Every Day Optimal CBD

How to Make CBD Oil

One of the most popular CBD products on the market right now is CBD oil — and for good reason! This unique product not only works well in the body, but it’s easy to consume, too. Not only that, but making your own CBD oil is also doable! As long as you have the right products and the proper steps, you shouldn’t have any issue whipping up your own favorite tincture. However, that begs the question: how do you make CBD oil in the first place?

Making CBD oil is something that every person can do as long as you have the right steps and proper materials. Everyday Optimal CBD is here to explain every step of how to make CBD oil, perfecting your tincture, and more. Let’s get started.

Making CBD Oil: What to Know

Before making CBD oil, there are a few things that are important to know. When you’re fully knowledgeable about your cannabis products, it helps to ensure that the creation process goes as smoothly as possible.

When we talk about CBD oil, we’re referring to oil that has been extracted from hemp plants. This oil contains high amounts of CBD and 0.3% or less of THC. You consume CBD oils by placing a drop or two under your tongue, holding it for a few seconds, and then swallowing. Or, you can put a few drops in your drink or food and consume it that way! Either way is a wonderful consumption method for giving you a potent dose of CBD. But, when you consume it sublingually, it’s going to administer much quicker and stronger. (Don’t worry: we’ll talk about that more later.)

It’s also important to note that, technically, CBD oil is a form of CBD concentrate. And typically, making CBD concentrates is an extremely dangerous and technical process that should only be performed by professionals. Luckily, with CBD oils, there isn’t any danger posed during at-home creation, as you don’t need any sketchy tools or additives. So, while making CBD oil at home is perfectly fine, don’t try making any other concentrates without professional assistance. This can be highly risky for you, your home, and anyone in or around your property. 

Lastly, when making CBD oil, you have to make sure you’re still following federal guidelines. Per federal law, CBD oil is only legal if it comes from hemp plants that contain no more than 0.3% THC. If these products have more than that amount of THC, then they are illegal unless you have a medical card or live in an adult-use state and are at least 21 years old. Long story short, make sure you’re using hemp with 0.3% THC or less. 

How to Make CBD Oil

Now that we’ve discussed the basics surrounding what CBD oil is and its legality, it’s time to tell you how to make CBD tinctures for yourself. There are a few different methods to making CBD oil, but we’re outlining the easiest, most accessible steps for you. This way, whether you’re new to the CBD world or quite experienced, you shouldn’t have any issue learning how to make CBD oil right at home.

First, let’s start with the materials you’re going to need: starting with the type of CBD you want to use.

Full-Spectrum, Broad-Spectrum, or CBD Isolate?

When making your CBD oil, you must know what kind of blend you want to create. You have three options: full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and CBD isolate.

Full-spectrum CBD oils contain full plant values. This means that they have 0.3% THC, varying amounts of CBD, minor cannabinoids, and terpenes. Full-spectrum extracts most strongly promote the entourage effect: the theory that cannabis’s properties work best synergistically. So, instead of isolating just CBD, the entourage effect states that pairing CBD with THC and other cannabinoids helps provide the best results. We’ll be talking about how to make full-spectrum CBD oil, primarily. 

If you don’t want to consume THC but still want a bit of the entourage effect, you’re going to need to find broad-spectrum hemp flower. Broad-spectrum products don’t contain any THC, but they have CBD, minor cannabinoids, and terpenes. So, while the entourage effect won’t be quite as strong, you’re still getting a full, potent CBD experience with this type of blend. 

Finally, you’ll come across CBD isolates. These are products that are pure, nearly 100% CBD. They don’t contain any other cannabinoids or terpenes — just CBD. Unfortunately, with the method we’re suggesting today, you’ll need to utilize hemp flower, and by doing so, you’re automatically including accompanying terpenes and cannabinoids. 

Thus, if you want some pure CBD isolate, we’d suggest just turning to EDOCBD and buying some of our pure CBD oil tinctures instead. 

What You’ll Need

Okay, let’s get into the actual materials you’ll need to start the CBD oil making process. Again, this may vary as some people have preferences on how to make their CBD tincture. But, this is what EDOCBD recommends!

The choice between oil and alcohol will depend on whether you want a CBD oil or a CBD tincture. Tinctures tend to be alcohol-based, so you’ll want to follow our instructions for making a CBD tincture if that’s what you’re interested in. 

How to Make CBD Oil At Home

Finally, let’s walk you through the steps on how to make CBD oil at home. Overall, this process will likely take a few hours. However, the steps are quite straightforward and shouldn’t give you too much trouble. 

Step 1: Decarboxylation

The first — and most important — step when making CBD oil is decarboxylation. This confusing word essentially refers to the “activation” of the cannabinoids in hemp through heat. Think about smoking: you cannot just eat cannabis flower and have it work within the body. You have to light it up and smoke it to get the effects; as you’re doing this, you’re heating the cannabinoids and activating their properties. If you don’t do this, then you won’t get any sort of benefit from the hemp.

Thankfully, decarboxylation can be simple. Start by preheating your oven to between 220 and 235 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, take a baking tray and line it with crumpled foil. (Having the foil crumpled helps prevent the buds from being directly on the hottest parts of the baking sheet.) Then, break up a few grams of hemp — however much you want to use — and spread it evenly across the baking sheet.  

Bake your bud for about 60 – 90 minutes. Then, take the tray out and let it cool. 

Step 2: Infuse Your Oil 

From here, it’s time to start infusing your carrier oil. Start by setting up your double-boiler. If you don’t have one, you can place a metal bowl on top of a regular saucepan. Add in your oil and then your decarbed cannabis. To help it mix better, try melting your oil in the microwave for a few minutes. 

Step 3: Bring to a Simmer & Wait 

Next add water to the bottom of your double boiler and bring your mixture to a simmer. You’ll want to keep the oil between about 200 and 300 degrees. Then, be patient! Leave it here for between 2-3 hours, keeping a close eye on temperature. 

When the oil is finished, it should have a brown-green appearance. 

Step 4: Cool, Strain, & Store!

You’re almost done! After it’s been simmering for a few hours, you’ll let the mixture cool. At this point, you can choose to repeat the process to really get a high-quality CBD oil, or you can strain what you have through your cheesecloth or coffee filter. Strain the mixture into your chosen bottle and, suddenly, you’ve made your own CBD oil! 

How to Make CBD Tincture

Making a CBD tincture is quite similar to making CBD oil. The biggest difference here is that with CBD tincture, you’re going to use an alcohol as a base, not a carrier oil. If you want to know how to make a CBD tincture, here are the basic steps. 

Step 1: Mix Decarbed Hemp & Alcohol

As always, you’ll need to decarb your hemp first. You can do this the same way we described above. After this, you need to combine your decarbed herb with alcohol (try Everclear), completely submerging the buds. Leave it like this for between 5-10 minutes. You can mix the two together with a wooden spoon, if you’d like.  

Step 2: Strain

From here, you’ll take your alcohol/hemp mixture and strain it through a cheesecloth or coffee filter. Make sure your liquid falls nicely in a bowl. Then, you’ll need to repeat this straining process a few times until the alcohol is clearer and less green. The greener it is, the more cannabinoids and terpenes are present.  

Step 3: Evaporate

Finally, the last step is to evaporate the alcohol itself. Set up your double-boiler with the alcohol mixture up top and water in the bottom. Being careful, heat the mixture to low; you want it to be hot enough to evaporate the alcohol but not burn the substance. Don’t be afraid to take it off heat occasionally. 

After a few minutes, you’ll notice the alcohol evaporate and all that’s left behind is a viscous, oily texture. That’s your CBD tincture! Transfer it to your container and you’re good to go. 

Making CBD Oil vs. Tinctures: Which is Better?

When it comes to making CBD oil or tinctures at home, it’s hard to say definitively which one is better — if one is. However, it appears as though making tinctures doesn’t always embrace the full amounts of cannabinoids and terpenes as CBD oil does. When professionally made, this may not be the case. However, crafting tinctures does take a bit more expertise and filtration than CBD oil; plus, you do have to be careful about residual alcohol. 

At the end of the day, the choice is yours on which you want to make! Both are effective and potent, they just have slightly different bases. 

CBD Oil Dosing Recommendations

If you’re new to the world of CBD oil, you’ll want to make sure you’re starting with a low, comfortable dose that your body is okay with. Typically, this is somewhere between 2 to 5 mg. If you’re more experienced, you can always consume more until you discover the perfect amount. The best thing to do, though, is increase your doses slowly and only by a little. Doing this allows your system to get used to the CBD and prevents the chance of an adverse reaction.  

When you’re making your CBD oil at home, you must make sure you pay attention to the CBD levels in the flower you use and how much of it you utilize. Take note of the grams you include to help you determine just how potent your oil is. From there, you’ll want to use a bottled container that has a measured dropper. Measured droppers allow you to easily see how much CBD you’re consuming and even adjust doses as necessary. 

How to Make CBD Oil With Everyday Optimal CBD

Here at Everyday Optimal CBD, we want to make sure you have the best resources for all things CBD. From learning how to make CBD tinctures to understanding CBD oil, we have all the information you need to feel comfortable and excited about cannabidiol products. 

If you don’t think you’re ready just yet to make your own CBD products, that’s fine! EDOCBD has a huge selection of CBD products for you to choose from. Whether you want broad-spectrum CBD oils, pure CBD tinctures, or something in between, our online store has the perfect options for you. Take the time to scroll through all we have to offer and pick out whichever products most appeal to you. 

Now, the next time you’re wanting some CBD products, you know exactly how to make CBD oil right at home — thanks to Every Day Optimal CBD. 



What are the ingredients in CBD oil?

CBD oil is no exception. However, given that CBD oil is derived from hemp and cannabis plants, both of which belong to the same plant family, their genus – cannabis sativa – there are three main ingredients: cannabidiol (CBD), terpenes, and flavonoids.

Can I make CBD oil at home?

Most recommend that CBD oil should be extracted by professionals. Hence, it is best to buy pre-made CBD oil because of safety concerns. 

What plant is CBD oil made from?

CBD stands for cannabidiol, a substance found in hemp plants that has anti-inflammatory properties. CBD is non psychoactive, unlike its more well-known relative THC, and will not make you high. It’s derived from the flowers of the hemp plant and used to manufacture a variety of CBD products as topical skin and body care.

How to make CBD oil for pain? 

Grind the CBD hemp and spread it out onto a cookie sheet.  Remove the stems from your marijuana leaves.  Place the cookie sheet in the oven at 220 degrees Fahrenheit for about an hour, until you can smell it. Allow the mixture to simmer on low heat for 90 minutes, stirring occasionally.

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