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Many California residents are curious about the state’s CBD laws and regulations. If you are wondering where CA currently stands, read on to learn about CBD oil in California.
CBD laws are complicated, especially in the Golden State. Read on for everything you need to know about CBD oil in California, as well as other CBD products.
Overview of Hemp Cannabidiol Laws in California
This is a timeline of the laws surrounding hemp and marijuana over the past few years in California:
2014: President Obama signed the 2014 Farm Bill which, among other things, allowed for the research of industrial hemp (under certain restrictions).
2015: The Medical Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MCRSA) was passed in California. It created a state licensing and regulatory system for the pre-existing medical market.
2016: Proposition 64 (the Adult Use of Marijuana Act, or AUMA) was passed by California voters. Under this proposition, adults aged 21 or older can legally grow, possess, and use cannabis recreationally. It also made it legal for regulated businesses to sell and distribute cannabis as of January of 2018.
2017: Senate Bill 94 was passed, which merged MCRSA and AUMA into the Medicinal and Adult‐Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA). With the MAUCRSA, one regulatory system governs the medicinal and recreational cannabis industry in the state.
2018: The 2018 Farm Bill was signed by President Trump. This bill broadened the opportunities for hemp and hemp-derived products on a national level. The 2018 Farm Bill removed hemp from the definition of marijuana, which meant that hemp-derived products (with less than 0.3% THC) lost their status as a Schedule 1 drug. In California, Senate Bill 1409 was passed, and took effect on January 1, 2019. It allows for the commercial cultivation of hemp, and requires registration with the California Department of Food and Agriculture and local counties.
2019: Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 153, which went into effect on January 1, 2020. It brought regulations around the California hemp industry in line with the federal guidelines.
CBD Laws in California: What They Mean
What does this all mean for CBD users in California? In the case of hemp-derived CBD, it is a bit complicated. Hemp is legally defined in the state as the cannabis sativa plant with 0.3% or less THC. While California is friendly towards marijuana and marijuana-derived products, the state is still behind on establishing regulations around hemp-derived CBD.
At the time of this article, the California Department of Food and Agriculture has not established regulations or licenses for the manufacturing, processing, or selling of non-food industrial hemp or hemp products. While you can access these products in the state, they aren’t regulated. You’ll need to practice caution when buying CBD products in the state to make sure you are getting the best quality products – you can read more on that below.
California’s stance on recreational and medical marijuana is much more concrete. Residents over 21 can recreationally use marijuana and marijuana-derived products, and can find these products at licensed dispensaries. Patients over 18 can use medical marijuana.
California currently does not allow the addition of CBD derived from hemp or marijuana to food and drink. This does not include edibles that contain marijuana-derived CBD or THC. Edibles do not fall under the definition of “food” in this case, and are still legal in the state.
That being said, the laws around food and drink may loosen in the near future. Assembly Bill 228 was introduced in January of 2019. This proposed law would make it so that food, beverages, and cosmetics that contained industrial hemp or cannabinoids, extracts, or derivatives of industrial hemp would not be considered adulterated. This would allow for the sale of food, beverages, or cosmetics containing these elements (if they contain less than 0.3% THC). The bill was placed on hold in September of 2019, but may be picked back up sometime in 2020.
Is CBD Oil Legal in California?
The CBD oil laws in California are a bit unusual in comparison to other states. CBD oil derived from marijuana is regulated and perfectly legal for recreational use in California. You can easily find marijuana-derived CBD oil at licensed dispensaries. On the other hand, CBD oil derived from hemp has not been regulated in the state. No explicit statements have been made regarding hemp-derived CBD in the state, although AB 228 may make things a bit clearer in regards to these products. That being said, you can easily access CBD oil derived from both marijuana and hemp in the state.
Can You Buy CBD in California?
Yes. If you are interested in purchasing hemp-derived CBD products in California, there are a few things to keep in mind. Since hemp-derived products aren’t currently regulated, you need to do your due diligence to make sure you are getting the highest quality CBD. This includes checking for these requirements in CBD brands:
- Third-Party Testing: Reputable CBD companies put their products through a third-party testing process. That way, they can ensure the correct amount of CBD is in the product, and that no harmful elements are in the formula.
- Hemp Source: The quality of hemp plays a big part in the quality of a CBD product. It is vital that a company knows exactly where their hemp is coming from. That way they know the regulations and agricultural practices that go into growing the hemp they use for their products – and can be confident that they are using the highest-quality plants.
- Extraction Process: The extraction process plays a big part in the quality of the CBD. One method is ethanol extraction. Through this method, the plant is mixed with alcohol, and then the alcohol is evaporated. Typically, this process is less expensive for companies, but can result in less potent CBD. Plus, there can be traces of solvent in the final product. A higher-caliber method is CO2 extraction. With CO2 extraction, a machine uses pressurized carbon dioxide to extract oil from the plant. It leads to a more potent CBD that isn’t at risk of containing traces of solvent.
For California residents, the best bet is purchasing hemp-derived CBD products online. High-quality CBD products can be found here at Every Day Optimal. All products go through a third-party testing process to ensure quality and dose accuracy, so you don’t have to worry about mislabelled products. We source our hemp from industry leading farmers in the US, and we use a CO2 extraction method to extract our CBD. Plus, we have over 1200 glowing reviews from customers who love our range of hemp-derived CBD products.
CBD Oil for Sale
Are you looking to purchase CBD oil in California? You can buy high-quality CBD oil online at Every Day Optimal. We have top of the line CBD oil tinctures that range from 300mg to 10,000mg, so you’ll easily find an option that works for your needs.
There is not currently a limit on how much CBD oil you can purchase at a time in California, although certain retailers may have their own limits on how much a customer can purchase.
No, you do not need a license to purchase hemp-derived or marijuana-derived CBD in California.
Yes, it is legal to sell CBD in California.
You can purchase CBD products from online retailers, at licensed dispensaries, or at brick-and-mortar stores.
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