Moringa and CBD for Sleep Disorders and a Better Night’s Sleep

Moringa and CBD for Sleep Disorders and a Better Night’s Sleep | EDO CBD

We all love to sleep, but in the modern world, we may often experience periods of fleeting shuteye. According to the American Sleep Association, 50-70 million Americans have a sleep disorder. Further, drowsy driving is the cause of over 40,000 automobile accidents in the United States annually

Moringa is a supplement that’s been used since the time of Ancient Egypt, and it’s gaining popularity today for its properties in assisting with inflammation, anxiety, and even as a sleep aid. And when taken with CBD, its benefits can only increase. 

What is Moringa?

Moringa is a tropical plant native to North India, which has begun to thrive in Latin America, as well. The two most common ways this plant is enjoyed is by consuming moringa powder, which is made up of finely-crushed moringa tree leaves, generally in the form of capsules, or as an oil extracted from the seeds.

Benefits of Moringa

Because of its unusually diverse set of nutrients, moringa may be used as a highly versatile wellness supplement. Some benefits of moringa include the following:

  • High levels of antioxidants, which may help to fight inflammation
  • It can reduce blood sugar
  • It can help regulate weight management
  • It can help improve sleep

How Moringa Improves Sleep

Because of its special nutritional profile, moringa is especially beneficial for sleep. In addition to iron and riboflavin, which helps regulate sleep, moringa leaves are also rich in tryptophan and with the help of the aforementioned nutrients, tryptophan can be converted serotonin and melatonin, which are key in regulating sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea. Moreover, its high antioxidant levels allow moringa to help improve the overall health and function of your thyroid, which will help in the long run to prevent insomnia, as well.

Side Effects of Moringa

There have been very few side effects reported, but medical consultation is always recommended. People should always read the label on the extract and follow dosage instructions. Moringa may possess anti-fertility qualities and is therefore not recommended for pregnant women.

How CBD Improves Sleep

Not unlike the way it assists in other ailments, CBD improves sleep, like sleep deprivation, quality by interacting with a system of receptors in our body that help regulate sensations, mood, and anxiety: known as the endocannabinoid system.
Moringa for sleep

While much of the endocannabinoid system is still unknown, we do know that it functions by interacting with environmental factors. When it encounters a stressor, for example, it sends messages to the rest of the body to release cortisol and adrenaline, which are hormones that help manage stress. Similarly, when our bodies need to rest, the endocannabinoid system releases sleep hormones like melatonin and serotonin.

When CBD for sleep interacts with the endocannabinoid system it has been shown that it conducts a series of calming interactions with it that appear to improve sleep, like bolster receptors in the brain that promote sleep, decrease anxiety, and alleviate pain.

While there is a considerable amount of evidence that CBD can improve poor sleep based on its properties alone, there remains a need for further clinical research on the benefits of CBD for sleep patterns. However, studies on the subject are building.

One 2019 series of clinical tests, which included 103 patients, was designed to test the effectiveness of CBD for treating insomnia and for health benefits. The study concluded that while further control groups were needed to form a definitive answer, there was evidence showing that CBD has a calming effect on the nervous system, immune system, digestive system, and especially when specifically formulated as a sleep aid.

Moringa + CBD for Insomnia and Better Sleep

The research of moringa’s effects when combined with CBD is minimal at best, but the amount of theoretical knowledge is enough to encourage further experimentation, as these two beneficial supplements may actually enhance each other’s abilities when applied in tandem.

Furthermore, moringa and CBD for trouble sleeping are regarded as safe substances: while CBD has been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a safe supplement, moringa leaf powder has also been demonstrated as such, posing few side effects. That being said, this dynamic duo is safe enough for most individuals to try on their own.

People enjoy the combination of moringa leaf and CBD because together, they can make the improvement of sleep, soothe inflammation, and ease the anxiety that much more efficiently.

Selecting the Right Moringa + CBD for Sleep

Both moringa leaf powder and CBD exist in the form of tinctures and capsules, and there is a growing number of products that pack both together. 

When searching for the right product, especially keep an eye out for the quality of the CBD. Due to its current legal status, CBD does not yet have a federal standard, so the manufacturer is entirely responsible for their CBD’s quality. That being said, this is nothing to worry about, so long as you buy from a reputable source.

Trustworthy brands like Every Day Optimal are actually not too tricky to spot, either; they’ll list exactly what’s in their product, they won’t make any wild claims, and they’ll offer a certificate of analysis from an independent lab. 

Determining Your Dosage

While it can be difficult to determine the most optimal dosage of CBD and/or moringa without medical consultation, exploring the right dosage on your own is generally a safe endeavor. When it comes to CBD for sleep, experts recommend a lower dose to start with, generally at 10 mg. Meanwhile, the recommended dosage of moringa for the average adult is is 29mg per kilogram of body weight, increasing gradually as needed.

While moringa and CBD for sleep are safe for most individuals, some people may experience an unexpected reaction, as this occurs with all moringa supplements. For this reason, it’s always best to consult a doctor if you think CBD + moringa is right for you.

Final Thoughts on the Topic 

CBD and moringa share complementary qualities suited for a variety of ailments, but the way in which it may help regulate sleep is especially intriguing, because they both help with sleep in different ways, which could grant you a more well-rounded sleep aid. 


What’s the best way to take Moringa CBD for sleep?

While the best method depends on the individual, taking Moringa CBD for sleep under the tongue and allowing it to absorb without swallowing, which is known as sublingual absorption, may be the easiest, most effective method for a good night’s sleep.

What are the side effects of taking Moringa CBD?

Moringa CBD are known for their lack of side effects. However, it should be noted that the bark and roots of CBD contains toxins that can be harmful, especially to pregnant or nursing women, so only the leaves or seeds should be consumed.

Can you use CBD Moringa for sleep apnea?

Moringa CBD for sleep may be able to assist with sleep apnea by relaxing the tissue of the throat, though further research still needs to be conducted.

How soon can you take CBD Moringa at night?

This depends considerably on the way the Moringa CBD for sleep is ingested. If using an orally-ingested product like drops or capsules, for example, the window of time is roughly 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime.

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