CBD for Canine Arthritis: Does it Work?

CBD for Canine Arthritis: Does it Work? | EDO CBD

Canine arthritis is difficult to live with – both for dogs, and their owners. And untreated arthritis pain doesn’t just make your dog uncomfortable; it can lead to irritability, lack of interest in activities, and even accidents around the house.

If that wasn’t bad enough, treatments often involve medications that can lead to other health problems.

Fortunately, your dog doesn’t have to be miserable and in pain, thanks to alternative options like the hemp extract cannabidiol (CBD). Keep reading to learn more about this all-natural pain reliever, and how it can help your dog.

Understanding Canine Arthritis

Any dog can develop arthritis, but the risk of developing the condition increases with age. Other risk factors include genetics, obesity, and injuries. Dogs often hide their pain, making it difficult to spot the many subtle signs of arthritis; however, some early symptoms include slower movement and reduced range of motion. Later signs of arthritis in dogs include swelling, irritability, accidents, and less interest in usual activities.

Traditionally, prescription medications such as NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and steroids are used to reduce pain and inflammation. Unfortunately, these drugs can come with serious risks, like kidney damage – especially if taken over long periods of time. Non-drug treatment options include physical therapy, acupuncture, surgery, weight loss, and supplements such as CBD.

How Does CBD Work for Arthritic Pain Relief in Dogs?

CBD can be incredibly helpful for managing arthritis thanks to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It also relieves pain by interacting with the endocannabinoid system found in all animals, which is involved in many bodily processes, including mood, digestion, and sleep. Along with these benefits, CBD is a natural neuroprotectant, antibacterial, and antioxidant, making it an excellent supplement to support all-around good health.

How to Use CBD for Dogs

One of the most confusing aspects of CBD is figuring out the right dosage. And while it can require some trial and error, calculating the effective dose for your dog is pretty simple, as long as you know his weight. You’ll want to start at a low dose, such as 0.25mg CBD per pound of weight, and work your way up from there. Every 2-3 days, increase the dosage by 0.25mg. For severe arthritis pain, your dog could need a higher dose, such as 1mg per 2.2lbs.

You can expect the CBD to begin working within 30-60 minutes. Since it doesn’t cause a high, the effects can be subtle, but at an effective dose, CBD should provide relief for several hours. Depending on your dog’s pain severity, you may want to administer CBD either twice daily, or three times per day.

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If you’re tired of trying to sneak pills to your dog wrapped in cheese, don’t worry; no tricks are necessary with CBD. Most pet CBD products out there today are in the form of treats or flavored tinctures, so all you have to do is give your dog an infused treat, or add drops of tincture to his favorite meal.

CBD usually doesn’t have many side effects, though it can cause a temporary drop in blood pressure, drowsiness, or dry mouth. Currently, there is no recognized toxic dose of CBD for dogs, and it’s considered safe. Signs of an overdose include vomiting and lethargy. If you think you’ve given your dog too much CBD, seek an emergency vet immediately.

Where to Buy CBD Products for Dogs

So where can you find CBD? Online retailers will have the most varied selection, so you can find the perfect product for you and your pet. You’re also more likely to find high-quality CBD online than in local shops, since manufacturers can provide a lot of important information online, like where they source their hemp.

While it may seem like an unimportant detail, hemp cleans the soil it’s grown in, so the plants soak up any heavy metals, pesticides, and other toxins present in the surrounding environment. Those toxins can wind up in the end product – your CBD oil – so it’s essential to only buy CBD made from organically-grown hemp. One effective way to spot high-quality CBD oil is manufacturers who use independent labs to verify the purity and quality of their products.

Final Thoughts

CBD can be an incredibly effective way to manage your dog’s arthritis. Not only can the hemp extract reduce pain, but it can also lower inflammation and make your dog feel more calm and relaxed. With the help of CBD, your dog will be back to his old self in no time. Just make sure to always consult with your veterinarian before giving your dog any new supplements, including CBD.

Wondering where to buy CBD for your four-legged friend? Check out Every Day Optimal’s new CBD Dog Biscuits or our beef-flavored CBD Oil for Pets. All our products are created from organically-grown hemp and tested by third party labs to ensure purity and quality. Our vet-approved products are also THC-free, made in the USA, and free of artificial flavors, colors, and other additives.

Canine Arthritis FAQ

Will CBD oil make my dog high?

No. CBD has no psychoactive effects, so it will not cause any high.

Can dogs overdose on CBD?

There is currently no recognized maximum dose of CBD for dogs. However, most dogs find effective relief taking no more than 1mg per 2.2lbs of body weight.

Can too much THC make my dog ill?

Yes, THC is toxic to dogs and should never be given to them.

Is CBD oil safe for my dog?

CBD oil products are safe for your pet as long as they’re designed for dogs. CBD products for humans may contain additives that are toxic for dogs, such as xylitol, or they may contain traces of THC, which is also toxic to dogs.

What are the potential side effects of CBD to your dog?

CBD can cause mild side effects for dogs such as dry mouth, drowsiness, or a temporary drop in blood pressure. Most dogs don’t experience side effects from normal doses of CBD

How do you help a dog with arthritis?

Treatment for canine arthritis can include physical therapy, steroid medications, weight management, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and natural alternatives such as acupuncture and hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD). Always consult with a veterinarian for treatment of canine arthritis.

How much CBD should I give my dog with joint pain?

Start at 0.25mg CBD per pound of weight, given twice per day. Every 2-3 days, increase the dosage by 0.25mg. For severe pain, your dog could need as much as 1mg per 2.2lbs. Some dogs require doses given 3 times daily.

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